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How rPPG Measures Blood Glucose: Principles and Applications

Image Credit: Canva Introduction Blood glucose monitoring is essential for managing diabetes and other metabolic disorders. Traditional methods involve invasive procedures, such as finger-stick tests or continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices. These methods can be uncomfortable, time-consuming, and costly, limiting their adoption and adherence. Non-invasive monitoring methods, such as rPPG, Read more…

Revolutionizing the Patient Experience with Touchless Vitals Monitoring in Pain Management

Image Credit: Canva Touchless vitals monitoring technology uses non-invasive devices that do not require contact with the patient’s skin to measure vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. The devices use advanced sensors and algorithms to provide accurate and continuous monitoring of patients’ vital signs. Importance of Read more…

Peak Performance: How Vitals Monitoring Can Take Athletes to the Next Level and Keep Injuries at Bay

Image Credit: Canva Athletes are constantly looking for strategies to improve their performance and avoid injuries. With technological advancements, vital monitoring has become a popular technique to meet both goals. Athletes can get insights into their bodies’ functioning and make changes to their training and diet plans by tracking metrics Read more…