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Veyetals For: Psychiatry

Contactless Remote Patient Monitoring’s Role in the psychiatry space is still something new, but provides a great opportunity. The Healthcare industry has begun rapidly changing over the last 2 years as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. With social distancing and other restrictions set in place, patients and healthcare providers and professionals are finding new ways to conduct business. With RPM solutions paving the landscape for the future of the psychiatry space. RPM technology such as veyetals allows for the capturing and transmission of health information between patient and clinical completely virtually.

"That [veyetals] would be one way to monitor their mental and emotional progress [...] It's a very important tool for people to have this knowledge right there at their fingertips. Knowledge about what's going on with their health."

Veyetals allows you to take a snapshots of your vitals and monitor the ways our body responds to stress. the app allows you to take heart rate variability (HRV), oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and overall mental stress. These key vital signs are closely related to stress. This information is important to understand not only for individuals, but for psychiatrists to monitor their patients, especially outside of appointments, or during virtual appointments with patients

Veyetals allows you to take a snapshots of your vitals and monitor the ways our body responds to stress. the app allows you to take heart rate variability (HRV), oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and overall mental stress. These key vital signs are closely related to stress. This information is important to understand not only for individuals, but for psychiatrists to monitor their patients, especially outside of appointments, or during virtual appointments with patients.

Our cloud based, lightweight API allows all the features veyetals to be easily integrated with other healthcare apps and platforms, such as those being used as a clinician’s practice. veyetals drives information sharing with other health management solutions and further enhances the continuum of patient care. Remote patient monitoring solutions like veyetals, not only improve patient outcomes, but also save time and cut costs for both patients, healthcare professionals, and healthcare providers.

Veyetals provides an easy and free way to help track vital signs in tandem with traditional medical devices.Traditional medical devices can be costly, and hard to use at times. Veyetals can help with that to make wellness and health literacy something easily accessible to everyone. Given the current climate, solutions like Veyetals are the future of the health, psychiatry, and wellness space.
Stefan Deutsch

Stefan Deutsch | President; Global Human Development Inc., Psychotherapist

Stefan Deutsch is a consultant to corporate executives, HR and staff, physicians and hospitals looking to reduce burnout, NGOs and Non-profits; psychotherapist for groups, couples, and individuals. His work has caught the attention of the American Medical Association and Division 32 of the American Psychological Association.