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How Veyetals uses your smartphone to capture vital signs

Our app veyetals, uses remote photoplethysmography (or rPPg) to detect vital signs via contactless measurement, like through your smartphone camera. photoplethysmography technology is used in medical grade measurement devices like pulse oximeters, white remote photoplethysmography does the same thing without any physical contact with the human skin. rPPg is a gamechanger for the telehealth and wellness space.

How does rPPg work?

rPPg uses the contrast between specular and diffused reflection to calculate the variance of RGB (red, green, blue) light reflection variations in human skin. The light reflected from the skin is known as specular reflection. Diffused reflection, on the other hand, is the reflection that remains after absorption and dispersion in skin tissue, which fluctuates depending on blood volume changes.

Via: Wang et al. (2017). Algorithmic principles of remote-PPG. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(7), 1479–1491. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2016.2609282

Remote Photoplethysmography: The process

rPPg has four main components in the process:

  • Skin pixel selection: The face and facial features are detected though video imaging via smartphone/webcam camera. The technology looks for the upper half of the face, mainly the forehead, where most of the blood vessels are concentrated.
  • Signal extraction: The average of each pixel colour (red, green, blue) of the face is measured over time (veyetals takes just 60 seconds!)
  • Signal filtering: the AI detects noise from head motions, and generates various vital signs (veyetals can detect heart rate, heart rate variability, oxygen saturation, mental stress, and blood pressure)
  • Output calculations: By detecting peaks, inter-beat intervals are measured and then the biometrics are calculated with 90-95% accuracy (our AI is constantly learning, improving on this number as well!)

All this happens in just under 60 seconds! veyetals, a wellness app developed by MarkiTech (Markitech.AI ™), in collaboration with Queen’s University Computer, Vision and AI Lab, uses a real-time health monitoring system to measure various biomarkers (such as heart rate and heart rate variability, oxygen saturation, respiration rate, mental stress, blood pressure, and temperature) within 90-95% accuracy levels using your smartphone’s camera. veyetals is easy to access, use, and track information on, making healthcare more accessible to at-risk populations without the need for costly medical devices.

The Bigger Picture: Integration

Our cloud based, lightweight API allows veyetals to be integrated with the healthcare apps and platforms that matter to you most. The app is interoperable with other healthcare management systems including, but not limited to, SenSights.AI. veyetals drives information sharing with other health management solutions and further enhances the continuum of patient care. 

The Bottom Line: Wellness For All

Our mission and goal has always been to provide an easy and free way to help track your vital signs in tandem with traditional medical devices. We understand that traditional medical devices can be costly, hard to use, especially for those who experience sensory issues. Veyetals can help with that. Let us work together to make wellness and health literacy something easily accessible to everyone. 

For more information: read our pilot studies, and learn more about the technology. Listen to what health professionals, partners, and users have to say about veyetals

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Credit: Noldus, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health